- Chemical
- Mineral
- Pharmaceutical
- Food & Life Science
- Environmental
Services & Capabilities
- Durable
- Reusable
- Easy-To-Use
- Customizable
Centrifugal filters, bags and liners need to provide low moisture in discharged solids, and have to be durable, reusable, and easy to install.
A centrifuge is a piece of equipment that puts an object in rotation around a fixed axis, which forces particles outwards using centrifugal force. The filtration components used in these kinds of machines are typically used for clarification of liquid containing high concentrations of solids, or removing solids from liquids.
The centrifuge process usually occurs within an acidic environment and bags must be designed to withstand harsh settings. Polypropylene is constitutionally resistant to acid, which makes it an ideal choice for bags and liners. We also provide options made of polyester and nylon.
Our company has the capability to manufacture almost any type and size of centrifuge filter, and we offer a wide range of pore sizes, permeabilities, and fabrics. Each item is made-to-order. We ensure ease of use, maximum durability, and our team is highly experienced in custom stitching which can help minimize product loss through seam holes.